Hina Dolls in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden

Hina Dolls in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden (Photo by Takahiro Takiguchi)

March 3 in Japan is a celebration of the country’s girls. Hinamatsuri is a traditional holiday to celebrate girls and their families wishing for their health, happiness and prosperity.

Leading up to the special day, families set up hina doll displays. You’ll also see these elaborate dolls at museums, shrines and department stores.

If you spot the set of cute hina dolls in a Japanese home in this season, the family most likely has a daughter and they are sincerely wishing for her healthy growth and good luck in her life. Please be sure to tell them how beautiful the dolls are. I’m sure they will smile and be very pleased with your kind words. We have a daughter and are celebrating the holiday with our set of hina dolls, too!

Today’s Japanese phrase:

“Kireina hinaningyo desune!” = What a beautiful set of hina dolls it is!

“Kireina” = beautiful, “hinaningyo” = (set of) hina dolls, “.. desune” = it is, isn’t it?

Enjoy Japan and have a very special Hinamatsuri!

Hina Dolls in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden

Hina Dolls in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden (Photo by Takahiro Takiguchi)

Hina Doll in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden

Hina Doll in Yokosuka Shobuen Garden (Photo by Takahiro Takiguchi)

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