(Stripes Japan)
“Kono hinakazari wo mite kudasai.” 今日は雛祭りです!
= Today is Girls’ Day/Doll Festival!
“Kono hinakazari wo mite kudasai.” この雛飾りを見てください。
= Look at this hina doll display.
“Hakubutsukan no hinakazari wo mitemitai desu.” 博物館の雛飾りを見てみたいです。
= I want to see the hina display at the museum.
“Chirashizushi to hamaguri-no-osuimono wo itadakimasho.” ちらし寿司と蛤のお吸い物をいただきましょう。
= Let’s have chirashizushi and clam soup.
“Hishimochi to hina-arare mo kawanakucha.” 菱餅と雛あられも買わなくちゃ。
= We should buy some hishimochi and hina-arare, too!
“Kono tokubetunahi wo doo oiwai shimasuka?” この特別な日をどうお祝いしますか?
= How will you celebrate the special day?
“Hinaningyo” 雛人形 = Hinamatsuri dolls
“Hishimochi” 菱餅 = three-colored diamond-shaped rice cake
“Hina-arare” 雛あられ = rice crackers, usually green, pink, white and yellow
“Chirashizushi” ちらし寿司 = vinegared rice topped with colorful ingredients, such as sashimi, egg and vegetables
Pronunciation key: “A” is short (like “ah”); “E” is short (like “get”); “I” is short (like “it”); “O” is long (like “old”); “U” is long (like “tube”); and “AI” is a long “I” (like “hike”). Most words are pronounced with equal emphasis on each syllable, but “OU” is a long “O” with emphasis on that syllable.