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At the end of 2024, Japan’s biking laws were revised and penalties for lawbreakers were strengthened as officials aimed to make roads and sidewalks safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Among the changes according to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, talking on a smartphone without a hands-free device or holding the phone to use the screen or buttons while riding a bicycle is completely prohibited. Violators can serve up to six months in prison or be fined up to 100,000 yen (about $670). If there is an accident where illegal smartphone use is proven, the penalty increases to up to one year of prison time or a fine of up to 300,000 yen.
Operating a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol, including providing alcohol to someone who subsequently rides drunk or providing a bike to intoxicated person, carries a fine of up to 500,000 yen or up to three years in prison.
In addition, those who commit a dangerous act and are found guilty more than twice in a three-year period, will be required to take a mandatory bicycle safety course.
Riding a bicycle can be a convenient way to get around and get some exercise in Japan, but make sure you follow the rules!