Fukujuso flowers

Fukujuso flowers (Photo by Yoshihito Morita)

While Kanto is enjoying the blooming of ume plum blossoms and kawazusakura early cherry blossoms, the northern portion of mainland Japan including Aomori Prefecture, the home of Misawa Air Base, is still experiencing the frigid temperatures of winter. Despite the cold, there are small signs that spring will eventually return found in the tiny yellow fukujuso (Far East Amur Adonis) flowers popping up near the base.

Yoshihito Morita, an employee at the Misawa Commissary, said the bright flowers are springing up in his snow-piled garden in Tohokucho Town.

The fukujuso blooms are strong and bold enough to grow despite the snow. The unique flower opens its delicate petals during the day to catch the limited sun rays up north and closes at night or when the sky is overcast.

Fukujuso flowers

Fukujuso flowers (Photo by Yoshihito Morita)

snow pilled garden

(Photo by Yoshihito Morita)

Morita said the yellow flowers are a reminder of vitality in the snowy landscape.

“Thought the blossoms are very small, they are cute and strong,” Morita said.

Next up to bloom in the area are tulips and narcissus blossoms. Misawa AB members and the neighboring community also can look forward to the reopening of the Hakkoda Goldline in April and the return of “Japan Day” at the Misawa Club on April 12. Japan Day is a cultural exchange event featuring entertainment, culture activities and festival foods.

Don’t let the snow and cold bring you down, let the fukujuso flowers remind you spring is right around the corner!

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