The recipe below is meant to replicate your favorite CoCo’s curry sauce and, best of all, it can be personalized with whatever ingredients you enjoy. This recipe is adapted from Japanese comedian Saigen Daisuke, who is known for trying to replicate dishes from popular restaurants.
Give it a try and impress your family with your homemade CoCo’s!
Ingredients (for two servings)
Pork back ribs (50g)
Onion (100g)
Carrot (30g)
Salad or olive oil (15cc)
Water (600cc)
Chicken consommé (1 block)
Fried onion (30cc)
curry roux block (spicy, 35g)
curry powder (2.5cc)
sugar (2.5cc)
Worcestershire sauce (5cc)
Vegetable and fruit sauce semi-sweet (5cc)
White pepper (1g)
Salt (1.5g)
Ground coffee (2 pinches)
Vinegar (2.5cc)
Recipe Fry sliced onions until they begin to brown. Add sliced carrots and pork, then continue frying.
Add water to the pan and let the ingredients simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool down a little before blending into a puree. Pour the puree into a frying pan and add other ingredients except ground coffee and vinegar. Cook that on low heat for 10 minutes.
Finish up by adding ground coffee and vinegar. Mix well. This curry sauce is now ready to be served over rice. You can add pork tonkatsu, fried boneless chicken and/or vegetables, etc.