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El Flamenco is a romantic Spanish restaurant in Tokyo that lives up to its name. Its claim to fame is nightly live tango and flamenco dance performances.

Parents, book a babysitter for the night. Couples, there’s no excuse. This is a must-see restaurant before you PCS. The popular tango and flamenco show lasts for an hour, so don’t be late! There are two show times, one is for the early dinner starting at 7 p.m. and the other is at 9 p.m.

Each dancer is as Spanish as you can get, coming from various parts of Spain. With their beautiful and exotic dresses, they really make you forget that you are in Japan.

The singers sing with such passion that you can really feel it. The guitar players are beautiful and play beautifully as well.

The wait staff serve dinner throughout the show and the service is so good it makes you feel that you are definitely getting your money’s worth.

El Flamenco is pricy, though. However, you can download a coupon worth 20 percent off one meal. The restaurant offers a three-set menu ranging in price from 4,000 yen to 10,000 yen (These days, that’s about $47 to $118).

The menu is all in Spanish, so for those who can’t read Spanish (like me) be sure to ask the waiter. Don’t guess or you may end up with a big surprise – or an even bigger bill.

From the delicious fresh-caught salmon and crisp ham to exciting tapas sets with various house wines to the famous sangria drinks, this restaurant will definitely keep your taste buds satisfied.

El Flamenco offers a very, cozy romantic setting for two. The red décor and old-fashioned stone walls will make you think you are actually in Spain. Each round wooden candlelit table offers a good view of the dance stage. However, early advance booking (about one week) will increase your chances of getting front-row seating.

El Flamenco is located in Shinjuku, one of Tokyo’s busiest districts. With its always happening night life, there is no better setting for this restaurant. As you are walking from the sidewalk, you can hear the music playing with the beautiful Spanish guitars in the background.

Passionate dancers, mouth-watering food, candlelight dinner tables and live guitar music create a truly unforgettable romantic evening in the heart of Tokyo.

For more information (in Japanese and Korean) on El Flamenco and a map, visit www.el-fla.com.Note: This story was originally published in Stripes Kanto, Sept. 3, 2010 edition.

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