Mozuku is a type of seaweed characterized by its unique viscous texture and the presence of fucoidan, which is gentle to the stomach. Characterized by its thickness and pleasing texture, Okinawan mozuku (a type of stringy seaweed) is widely popular in mainland Japan. While Okinawan mozuku is cooked in various ways, it can also be enjoyed raw. In addition to being low in calories, its simple flavor makes mozuku a suitable ingredient for any type of cuisine.
How to use mozuku
Dried mozuku Soak in water or add directly to soup.
Fresh mozuku Wash lightly before cooking.
Salted mozuku Put salted mozuku in a colander and wash well under running water. Taste a small amount of mozuku, to ensure excess salt is washed out. After excess salt is removed, enjoy it with vinegar sauce or in various dishes made from recipes on this website.
Chicken rice with mozuku
Ingredients [ 2 servings ]
chicken thighs (700g)
salt (1/2tsp)
Pepper to taste
water (3cups)
fresh ginger (1piece)
Green part of 1 leek
Field peas to taste
white rice (2cups)
mozuku (150g)
salt (1/2tsp)
cooking sake (1tbsp)
iceberg lettuce (1/2head)
cucumber (1)
tomato (1)
leek (1/3)
fresh ginger, grated
Soy sauce and sweet chili
sauce to taste
Rub chicken thighs with salt and pepper. Put water in a deep pot, add chicken thighs, outer skin of ginger, green part of the leek and bring to a boil over high heat.
When the water comes to a boil, lower the heat and skim off the scum and simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool covered. Clean field peas and cook in slightly salted boiling water.
Wash rice thoroughly and drain. Add 2 cups of the broth made during procedures 1 and 2, and let rest for 30 minutes. Add cooking sake, salt and mozuku, then cook in a rice cooker.
Cut chicken thighs into 7-8 cm pieces and reheat immediately before serving.
Cut tomato, iceberg lettuce and cucumber into bite-sized pieces.
Put rice, chicken and vegetables on plates and garnish with leek cut into thin strips. Serve with ginger-soy sauce mixture and sweet chili sauce.
Miso soup with mozuku seaweed and clams
Ingredients [ 4 servings ]
Clams (20-30)
Water (4cups)
Kombu seaweed (10cm)
Mozuku, yam and salt to taste
Red miso (40g)
Small amount of green onion
Cooking sake (2tbsp)
Put clams, water and kombu seaweed into a deep pot over heat. Add cooking sake.
When the water comes to a boil, remove kombu and wait until the clams open.
Put red miso into the pot and season with salt. Pour into bowls.
Top with grated yam, mozuku and green onion.
Omelet with Mozuku
Ingredients [ 2 servings ]
Mozuku 50g
Egg 2
Dashi Stock 30ml
Soy sauce 1 Teaspoon
Mirin 1/2 Teaspoon
Chop the Mozuku.
Pour the seasoning into the mixed egg.
Add an oil to a hot pan, pour into the pan and making an omelet at medium heat.
Cut the omelet into small pieceis.
Mozuku Zaru soba
Ingredients [ 2 servings ]
Mozuku 240g (with dried mozuku 9 to 10g)
Wasabi (Japanese horseradish)
Mentsuyu (dipping sauce for noodles)
and your favorite Yakumi (condiment vegetables)
Rinse the mozuku and drain. (Soak dried mozuku in water until soft.)
Place the Mozuku on the plate and serve with wasabi, mentsuyu (sauce for noodle) and yakumi (condiment vegetables), then enjoy it!