Camp Zama – June 14 marks the U.S. Army’s 247th birthday and MILITARY STAR® is saluting the Nation’s oldest branch of service with exclusive one-day-only savings at Army & Air Force Exchange Service stores worldwide.
On June 14, Camp Zama Soldiers and military shoppers can use their MILITARY STAR® card to receive:
10 cents off every gallon of gas at the Zama and SHA Gas Stations instead of the everyday 5-cent discount
15% off at participating Camp Zama Exchange restaurants instead of the everyday 10% discount
$10 off a purchase of $25 or more at Camp Zama Exchange mall vendors (Coupon required. Visit the main store customer service desk to receive the coupon.)
“It is an honor for the Exchange to serve patriots each day around the world,” said Army Col. Brian Memoli, Army & Air Force Exchange Service deputy director of logistics. “On the occasion of the 247th Army birthday, we extend a special thank you to all Soldiers and Army retirees, Veterans and families for all they do and have done for their Nation.”
Shoppers can find additional Army birthday savings at their Camp Zama Exchange and at ShopMyExchange.com, including up to 40% off select tactical gear, up to 20% off select military gifts and more. Visit ShopMyExchange to view weekly ads.