Camp Zama – The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is making sure military communities around have health and fitness resources at their fingertips all year with the online BE FIT 360 Hub.
The Exchange’s BE FIT 360 program focuses on holistic wellness, and the BE FIT 360 Hub offers all the tools for a healthy lifestyle in one place, including workout videos; fitness tips; healthy eating guidance; links to activewear and gear; wellness information; and more.
“The BE FIT Hub is a bulked-up all-in-one resource for making healthier choices,” said Camp Zama PX General Manager Nick Cucinello. “With the Hub, the Exchange can be a partner in helping keep those New Year’s resolutions all year long.”
The BE FIT 360 Hub, which is updated often with new workouts, nutrition and wellness content, can be found at ShopMyExchange.com/BeFit.