
In Japan, Setsubun falls on February 2 this year and special day marks that the end of winter is soon approaching.

On this day, we purify our homes with a traditional mamemaki, or bean-throwing ceremony. This involves someone in the family dressing up as a demon and others throwing handfuls of beans and chasiung the demon away while shouting “demons out and happiness in!”

Why not practice the time-honored Japanese tradition yourself this year?

Today’s Japanese phrase is: “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” = Demons out and happiness in. ("oni" = demon, "wa" = is, "soto" = out, "fuku" = happiness, "uchi" = in)

Be sure to shout the magical Japanese phrases when you throw the beans. I’m sure your home will be totally purified and to be filled with happiness, health and prosperity.

Spring is just around the corner. Stay safe and enjoy the special day with the unique Japanese tradition!

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