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Are your rainboots and umbrellas ready for the upcoming 40-plus-day-long rainy season in Japan?
Ready or not, the rainy season has already arrived on the northern part of Kyushu (near Sasebo Naval Base, Shikoku, Chugoku (home to MCAS Iwakuni), Kinki and Tokai regions. According to the Japan Metrological Agency (JMA), this year the season has arrived one week earlier than average unlike Okinawa, which entered rainy season two weeks later than usual on May 18.
The Kanto Plain region and other eastern parts of the mainland are set to hit rainy season with a splash sometime this week. Misawa and Tohoku should see the season around mid-June, the JMA said.
If you’re looking to dodge the wet weather, a trip to Hokkaido might be an option. This northernmost island does not have a rainy season and is a great spot to avoid the droplets and stifling humidity.
For many, rainy season is considered the country’s worst of the year despite its cheery name tsuyu, or “plum rain” in Japanese, as it coincides with the ripening of the fruit. The season also brings about the blooming of hydrangeas and irises. Around town, you might also spot small teruterubozu, or “sunshine monks” in Japanese, hanging from the eaves of homes to wish away the rain.
The weather may be sticky and wet, but there is still beauty in the season if you take some time to look around. Stay safe and dry!