
Japanese celebrate Mother’s Day on second Sunday of May, just like Americans. So, this year on May 12 when you present your Mom’s with some flowers, card or other gifts, surprise her with a little Japanese. Happy Mother’s Day to all our loving and hardworking moms!

“Haha-no-hi omedetoo!” = Happy Mother’s Day! (“haha-no-hi” = Mother’s Day, “omedetoo” = happy/congratulations on)

“Okaasan itsumo arigatoo.” = Mom, thank you, always. (“okaasan” = mom, “itsumo” = always, “arigatoo” = thank you)

“Okaasan daisuki!” = I love you, mom. (“daisuki” = love you)

“Kaaneeshon wo agemasu.” = I will give you a bouquet of carnations. (“kaaneeshon” = (a bouquet of) carnation, “agemasu” = will give you)

“Watashi kara no purezento desu.” = Here is my present for you. (“watashi” = I/me, “watashitachi” = we/us, “kara” = from, “purezento” = gift/present)

“Okaasan ni tegami wo kakimashita.” = I wrote a letter to you, mom. (“tegami” = letter, “kakimashita” = I wrote)

“Doomo arigatoo.” = Thank you so much. (“doomo” = so much, “arigatoo” = thank you)

“Kyo wa yukkuri yasunde ne.” = Take a rest today. (“kyo” = today, “yukkuri” = slowly, “yasunde” = take a rest)

“Watashi ga ryori wo tsukuri masu.” = I will cook for you. (“ryori wo tsukuru” = cook (for you))

“Watashi ga sooji wo shimasu.” = I will clean the rooms. (“sooji” = clean a room, “shimasu” = will do)

“Kon-ya wa soto de tabemashoo.” = Let’s dine out tonight. (“kon-ya” = tonight, “soto” = outside, “tabemashoo” = let’s eat)

When on OKINAWA, you can also say it in “Uchinaanguchi” (island dialect) like this: “Chuuya Ayaa nu Fii Yakutuunnkai, Karii! = Today is Mother’s Day. So cheers! (“Ayaa” = mother)

“Ayaa Sai, Yuuban Sugai Biisiga.” = Mom, I am going to cook dinner. (“Yuuban” = dinner, “sugai”= preparation)

“Ayaa Sai, Kata Mimijabira.” = Mom, Let me massage your shoulder. (“Mimijyun” = massage)

“Ayaa Sai, Shinroo Shimitee Wasstanyaa.” = Mom, I apologize for giving you a headache. (“Shinroo Shimitee” = cause concerns)

“Ayaa Sai, Kunu Keeki Usagami Soore.” = Mom, please eat this cake. (“Keeki”= cake, Usagami Soore= Please eat.)

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