“Jishin kana?” = Is that an earthquake? (“jishin” = earthquake, “.. kana?” = is it..?)
“Yoshin ga arukamo shiremasen.” = There could be aftershocks. (“yoshin” = aftershock, “aru” = there, “kamo shiremasen” = could be)
“Mado kara hanarete” = Keep away from the windows. (“mado” = window, “.. kara hanarete” = keep away from)
“Tasukete!” = Help me!
“Tsunami no shimpai wa arimasen.” = There’s no tsunami danger. (“shimpai” = concern, “.. wa arimasen” = there is no ..)
“Anatano keitai wa tsukaemasuka?” = Does your mobile phone have service? (“anatano” = your, “keitai”= mobile phone, “.. wa tsukaemasuka?” = is available?)
“Doko e nigetara iidsuka?” = Where should I evacuate to? (“nigetara ii” = should escape/evacuate)
“Jishin Kitto wo sonaete masuka?” = Do you have an “Earthquake Kit”? (“jishin kitto” = Earthquake Kit, “.. wo sonaete” = have .. /.. is furnished)
Pronunciation key: “A” is short (like “ah”); “E” is short (like “get”); “I” is short (like “it”); “O” is long (like “old”); “U” is long (like “tube”); and “AI” is a long “I” (like “hike”). Most words are pronounced with equal emphasis on each syllable, but “OU” is a long “O” with emphasis on that syllable.