To ask for directions or travel information, try using the following phrases.
Tokyo eki wa doko desuka? (Where is Tokyo Station?) “… wa doko desuka?” = Where is ...
Byouin wa dokodesuka? (Where is a hospital?)
Koban wa dokodesuka? (Where is a police station?)
Toire wa dokodsuka? (Where is a bathroom?)
Eki made donokurai kakarimasuka? (How long does it take to the station?) “made donokurai kakarimasuka?” = How long does it take to ...
Kyanpu Foster made donokurai kakarimasuka? (How long does it take to Foster military base?)
Kuuko made donokurai kakarimasuka? (How long does it take to an airport?)
Mayoimashita. (I am lost.)
Michi ga wakarimasen. (I don’t know the way.)
Basho ga wakarimasen. (I don’t know where it is.)
Pronunciation key: “A” is short (like “ah”); “E” is short (like “get”); “I” is short (like “it”); “O” is long (like “old”); “U” is long (like “tube”); and “AI” is a long “I” (like “hike”). Most words are pronounced with equal emphasis on each syllable, but “OU” is a long “O” with emphasis on that syllable.