
What is facial acupuncture? Acupuncture itself has been around for centuries. It’s part of traditional Chinese medicine. It can help body pains, headaches and more. But it may surprise you that facial acupuncture can help you look younger.

Facial acupuncture is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It naturally makes your skin look younger and overall healthier. Facial acupuncture addresses your signs of aging, which, to most, is the real point. It also assists the overall health of your skin.

Facial acupuncture works internally to make the best of your health and at the same time increases the beauty of your skin. I hope that you previously read about acupuncture in my first article in November 2020. And, also at this point, I hope you have gone beyond your fears and have confidence and comfort in acupuncture. I assume so since you’re still reading. Besides this is going to make you look younger and a lot of us want that, right?

The normal cost for one treatment of facial acupuncture at Yamato Central Acupuncture in Japan is 6,000 to 10,000 yen, depending on what you desire. You’ll see that the cost is very reasonable compared to Botox or surgery.

How it works

The acupuncturist will insert 25 to 40 small, hair-like needles into your face. Your face and body will soon go into the repair mode. These small punctures on your face will stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system, which work together to give oxygen to your skin cells from the inside out, so they become nourished. It also produces collagen. All this together improves elasticity, makes your skin glow and become radiant, and minimizes lines and wrinkles.

Your will receive compliments on your facial appearance from friends, and more importantly from yourself. You will notice the change. After all, you just put 25 to 40 needles in your face, so it better have some kind of effect, right?

Here’s a breakdown of the procedures: ⁃ a warming session ⁃ Waterbed massage ⁃ 25-30 needles inserted on face * 2 needles inserted on lower body * 2 needles inserted in arms ⁃ A warming session covering your face with steam ⁃ A cream type lotion applied to entire face ⁃ Eye massage ⁃ Upper body massage ⁃ Process complete.

Long-term result

The day after acupuncture, the swelling and slackness of your face will be removed, your face will look better, your blood circulation will be better, and your face will look more lively.

What is the long-term result of facial acupuncture? The main things will be that you’ll have a brighter complexion. It’s as though your facial skin has been awakened from a long deep sleep. Fresh blood and oxygen will flood the face and bring it back to life. You can expect better collagen stimulation, a brightened skin tone, reduced jaw tension, and a softer appearance overall, on top of health benefits like reduced anxiety and tension.

The focus is to create long-term changes in the health of the skin and body, not short-term quick fixes. Try it once and you will see and feel the difference.

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