Katsumi Ito – Logistics Readiness Center-Honshu (U.S. Army Sustainment Command)
Mr. Ito is an outstanding Local National Employee who displays continues dedicated technical organizational support to the Installation Supply Support Activity. Mr. Ito recently displayed his operational knowledge and initiative during the establishment of the new required Packing and Crating Section within the ISSA and conducted important coordination and direct actions that were critical to the successful establishment of this operational addition to the Supply and Services Division.
I’m from Ayase City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
How long have you been working for the U.S. Army:
I have served with the U.S. Army Japan for 19 years.
What other positions have you held with the U.S. Military:
I have experience working in other positions Store Keeping Clerk, Admin Specialist, Warehouseman, Cook and Mess Attendant.
Tell us about your job and what you do:
I manage the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A) stock items and store them properly in accordance with Army regulations and Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS) regulations. When a request is received from units through the system, we ship it out to the units promptly.
What other duties are you responsible for?
Respond to requests from supported units as much as possible, e.g. movement support, providing a temporary storage location for unit items and GCSS-A system problems, etc.
What are some of your accomplishments while at LRC-Honshu?
I was able to contribute to establishing a Packing & Crating Section that was pointed out during the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) inspection.
What is the best thing about working at LRC-Honshu?
When the three divisions work together as one team to accomplish duties.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like mountain climbing and watching baseball games.
Do you have a special skill or talent you would like to share (what is something people might not know about you)?
My coworkers may not realize it, but I can get along with anyone.