
Every time Christmas comes around I feel so excited for what the holidays bring. Christmas is hands down my favorite holiday. I have always enjoyed doing all of the traditional celebrations like Christmas caroling, going out to see the lights, and making Christmas cookies. This year, however, things are different. With the pandemic at rage our holiday traditions do not have to be nonexistent, though. In fact, we can still do many of the things we are used to doing with a little creativity. Here are a few ideas to make your Christmas a success: video chat with family and friends, safely bake indoors, and watch home movies or Christmas movies at home.

My first Christmas away from my parents I just had gotten to Japan a few days before. I was so scared to spend Christmas alone, but that year I ended up spending time with a few friends I made. Last year, I skyped my parents on Christmas. Because of the time difference, my parents celebrated Christmas early with me in Japan. It was really fun and enjoyable. This year I am planning on skyping my parents again. Despite the distance between us, we can always rely on video chats to spend time with each other, even if we are miles apart.

Another way you can still celebrate the holidays this year is by baking. I remember going over to my grandma’s house during the holidays and smelling all the wonderful cookies and desserts she had made for us. The great thing about cookies is that as long as you have a working oven, there are endless recipes you can make. Whether you make Christmas cookies, cake, pies, or fruitcake, baked goods are always a hit! Likewise, just the act of baking and creating food can be exciting for some people. I know for me that when I start getting ingredients together and my recipe starts to form I get excited and anticipatory about what I’m making. However you do it, bake some baked goods this year! I guarantee it’ll be a hit.

Similarly, another Christmas favorite of mine is to watch Christmas movies. In my family I started the tradition of watching Grandma got Run over by a Reindeer. I would always put it on on Christmas Eve or on Christmas day and watch it while drinking hot chocolate. It was such a joyous time. This year because of the many ways we can now access Christmas movies, there is a surplus of opportunities for us to get our Christmas movie fix.

However you decide to celebrate the holidays, remember to stay safe and to sit back and relax and enjoy the season. There are endless ways to celebrate this year, even if we are still in a pandemic.

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