Going into the season, Ryunosuke Roesch had more on his mind than defending a Far East tennis tournament title and trying to repeat his unbeaten 2023 singles season.
Summers in Japan’s Kanto Plain can be extraordinarily toasty, with heat indexes soaring into the high 90s and low 100s during the peak months of August and September.
It takes balance, dedication and accountability, Cassandra Jarzabek says, to be a successful cross country runner.
When it happens not just once, but twice, and on your home court, the memories burn that much brighter, Kadena’s coach and players said.
Captain Gregory Repka, a U.S. Air Force exchange officer assigned to the 4th Technical School, 1st Education Division, won the “Excellence Award” at the 32nd Japanese Speech Contest in Kumagaya City.
Brooke Brewer arrived at Kadena two school years ago already well versed in soccer.
Most teams at Osan, Daegu and Humphreys will feature rosters filled with players making their debuts on DODEA basketball courts or wrestling mats.
The vibrant and diverse cultures of the Hispanic and Latino communities were celebrated in grand style at The Sullivans Elementary School located at CFAY in Yokosuka, Japan.
James Bailey has been in this situation before: taking over a two-time Far East champion team that just so happens to have one of his children playing on it.
Quarterback Braden Flinn rushed 10 yards for Guam High’s lone touchdown in a losing cause, as the Panthers fell 30-6 Friday to surprising Southern in Guam football’s third-place game.